Free, Online demand flexibility learning

Brought to you by AESP and the U.S. Department of Energy.

What Is Flex?

  • Premium quality demand flexibility learning

    This series of accredited online courses will greatly enhance individuals’ understanding of demand flexible loads including connected water heaters, lighting, and HVAC systems, as well as flexible, distributed energy resources (DERs) such as solar, battery storage, and electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). Additionally, these efforts will allow for a more holistic understanding of multiple aggregated DER technologies.

  • Cost-free Learning for Tomorrow's Workforce

    Funded by U.S. Department of Energy funding, FLEX’s goal is to arm tomorrow’s workforce with skills and knowledge necessary to enable today’s energy efficiency (EE) and demand management professionals to grow their understanding and capabilities with new grid-interactive energy technologies, also commonly referred to as demand flexible loads. This includes both mastery of designing customer offerings related to these resources, as well as installing and engaging with these resources as a viable grid asset.

  • Convenient, On-Demand Education

    A 3-course series broken into easy, digestible learning modules, FLEX is designed to let you learn at your pace, on your own time. You will learn about the benefits of flexible loads and other Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) (i.e. EVSE, storage and other grid interactive building devices) with a focus on their integration with traditional energy efficiency measures. You will learn about key considerations in designing and implementing retail customer programs for single-family residential, multi-family residential and small commercial facilities that maximize the value of flexible loads as both a grid asset and a customer asset, and; the value of flexible loads as a new customer “offering” for existing energy services professionals.

Who these courses are designed for:

  • Energy Efficiency and DER Professionals responsible for Program Design and Implementation, Distribution System Planning, and Operations and Performance Verification

  • Electric Utilities Staff, Energy Retailers and CCA staff

  • Staff of Related Trades Organizations

  • Energy Auditors

  • State, Local, and Community Weatherization Staff

  • Building Commissioning and M&V Professionals

  • Energy Apprenticeship Training Professionals

  • Building Performance Contractors

  • Solar, HVAC, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Contractors and Technicians 



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